This site has been archived as of December 2023.

Protecting the Natural and Cultural Heritage of Eastern Europe and Eurasia

Our Mission

To protect natural landscapes and wildlife and support Indigenous peoples and traditional lifeways in and around Eastern Europe and Eurasia.

Supporting frontline defenders in addressing environmental and human rights issues, including poaching, illegal logging, gold mining

Protecting rich biological diversity through wildlife research and conservation programs and promoting effective protected areas management (including sacred sites)

Serving as an ally and sponsor of indigenous-led initiatives relating to traditional knowledge, Indigenous rights, sacred lands, and traditional natural resource use

On 5 July 2023, the Russian prosecutor general’s office declared The Altai Project an “undesirable organization”. It is the 93rd foreign organization to receive this badge of honor for meaningful and effective support of Russian civil society.

“The Russian Prosecutor’s office distorts and misrepresents legitimate community-led conservation efforts organized by local activists in Russian Altai,” said The Altai Project's director. “Their specious accusations are focused on events that occurred between 2006-2018.  In making this announcement, the Russian government is only harming its own citizens – people who are working to protect their right to a clean and healthy environment.”

Read the full statement...

News & Events

Stay up to date on what’s happening on the frontlines and at The Altai Project.

Russia's Attack on Ukraine

The Altai Project stands in solidarity with the people and nation of Ukraine during this unjust attack on their country. War and military conflict are always a failure. We recognize peace- and freedom-loving people in Russia. We bear witness and mourn the human losses, damage, and destruction, and the current and future costs to human rights and the environment resulting from war and violence. While we will pause our work in Russia, The Altai Project will continue supporting partners in conservation efforts and advocacy in other parts of Eastern Europe and Eurasia.

Black Lives Matter

Here at The Altai Project, we strongly support the anti-racist protests and demonstrations taking place in the United States and around the world. We stand with Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) leaders and activists calling for significant structural changes and reform of laws, socioeconomic policies, and the justice system. We stand alongside efforts to rebuild communities and relationships around love, equity, and trust.
The Altai Project’s long-term relationships and collaborations with Indigenous leaders and communities in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, and around the world have highlighted the devastating, lasting, and widespread impacts of white supremacy, colonialism, and racial injustice. We seek to center BIPOC voices in the environmental, climate justice, and human rights movements and do this by channeling support and funding to Indigenous-led initiatives.