Pipeline reprieve & other goings-on [2011]

Looking toward snowy, cloud-covered mountains across a verdant valley crossed by river

June 10th came and went in Russia without a signed deal for the proposed Altai Gas Pipeline. Following a month of optimistic Gazprom and government announcements saying the deal would be finalized by today, this past week saw fairly diverse coverage of the issue, with some sources saying it was a sure deal, some naysayers,…

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Altai’s Indigenous peoples – what’s in a name? [2021]

Russia officially recognizes 47 small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia, and Far East. Roughly 23% of the almost 147 million people living in Russia (as of 2021) are not ethnically Russian.  The government classifies Indigenous peoples living in the country in three ways: “Small-numbered peoples” (less than 50,000 individuals), “Indigenous peoples” living in the North,…

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Altaigate: “Not guilty” verdict in ’09 helicopter poaching incident [2011]

The cynical among us would say it’s a surprise the case was even filed, let alone went to trial and reached a verdict. Russian officials cleared of poaching charges 23 May 2011 KOSH-AGACH (Altai Republic), May 23 (RIA Novosti) A court in southern Siberia’s Altai Republic on Monday acquitted three high-ranking officials whose hunting of…

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